7 Reasons to Relocate to Ecuador

7 Reasons to Relocate to Ecuador

  1. Amazon jungle, Andes Mountains, Pacific coastlineEcuador has something for everyone. Without a doubt you will be able to find the perfect region to match your needs, and if it’s the mountains you prefer, well, the coast is only a short drive away!
  2. Instant Friendships. The people of Ecuador are friendly, accepting and inviting. In many towns such as Quito and Cuenca there are already sizeable expat communities ready to welcome newcomers and help make adjusting a little easier.
  3. The US Dollar. Ecuador uses the same currency as the United States, eliminating the complexity of figuring out exchange rates. As the dollar devalues in some parts of the world, it is still holding its value in Ecuador.
  4. Prices. International Living estimates that it is not difficult to live on less than $17,000 dollars here, and you don’t need to live a restrictive lifestyle to do it. Go ahead, get the full-time household helper to cook and clean; it will only cost you about $30 a week (depending on where you are.)
  5. Modern conveniences. Major cities such as the Quito, Guayaquil and Cuenca offer basically the same amenities as the first world. Cell phones abound and Internet connections are just as common. (In outer lying cities Internet access is harder to obtain.)
  6. Well connected. Daily flights connect Ecuador to major hubs throughout the world. Flying to Miami from Quito takes less than 4 hours.
  7. Quality health care. Hospitals in bigger cities have all of the most modern equipment and private clinics house quality specialists. A visit to the doctor will run you between $15 and $20.

For more about retirement in Ecuador, visit International Living.com.

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