Ecuador is the Place to Escape the United States Recession

Ecuador is the Place to Escape the United States Recession

As the US economy continues to decline Americans are being forced to change the way they handle their dollars as they slide in value against the British pound and the Euro. As businesses buckle down to face the brunt of a world recession many are left wondering how the US is going to weather the storm and if, when the dark clouds of decline finally rise, the economy will be able to recover.

Many businesses have already taken steps to recession-proof themselves by trying to draw in foreign sales. In recent article from Business Week it was stated that “the strongest U.S. companies may be the ones with the biggest footprint abroad.” By having their fingers in multiple national markets, businesses are able to watch the local economies and push and pull their investments accordingly.

Other businessmen and women are taking this advice to heart and personally locating oversees, where the economy may be more stable, and where their hard-earned dollars have more buying power.

Moving abroad won’t solve all your problems; after all, analysts are predicting a world wide recession. Moving will, however, afford you opportunities that would never be attainable in the US, especially considering the country’s current economic situation. Although the markets are constantly changing, and prices for living abroad in certain countries are on the rise, the fact of the matter is the U.S. dollar still goes farther in Central and South America

Life abroad is full of opportunities. In addition to a new culture and in many instances a new language, life in Central and South America also offers much in the way of investments, business opportunities, and savings.

Margaret Malweski, author of GenXpat: The Young Professional’s Guide to Making a Successful Life Abroad identifies one of the biggest draws to living abroad. +

She says, “You may be middle class back home, and suddenly you’re dealing with the upper classes.” Americans abroad often find they have the time to invest and do projects that they actually want to work on, instead of rigidly fulfilling their duties at a 9-5 job in a place where everyone is wrapped up in their career, and struggling to make things work.

Young businessmen and women do best to set themselves up now as being capable of handling the challenges of an international life and career, because the rewards are great. In an honest evaluation many businessmen and women who are already well established in their careers discover that they can actually handle the majority of their work from overseas, perhaps commuting back to the States on a semi-monthly basis for work purposes. Retirees often find that pensions that are not even close to being sufficient in the States are more than enough to live on comfortably in Central and South America.

Staring a seemingly inevitable recession in the face, many Americans have found the solution to their economic problems in relocating abroad.

Online resource sites such as “The Expat Guy” provide basic information to Americans interested in relocating abroad.

Real Estate in Central and South America are also feeling the effects of the recession.

How so?

Stay tuned.

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