Effective Time Management Skills

Effective Time Management Skills Which Can Help You Get More Things Done In Less Time!


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It is important to have effective time management skills to get more things done.

Would you like to get MORE things done in less time? Do you want to know simple steps that could get you organized within minutes?

Read the following and it will teach you how to stick with deadlines strictly. You will also learn how to overcome obstacles and learn how to achieve more results!

The Way To Get MORE Things Done

Effective time management skills will allow you to get more things done. First, you need to have some direction before you can manage your time. You will need to create a to do list. List down all the things that you need to get done for the day.

By having a to-do list, if you finished something quickly, you will immediately know what actions to take next. The more important point to take note is that having a to-do list is not good enough.

It must be an effective to-do list. This means that you have prioritized things according to rank. This will help speed up the process of completing productive things during the day, instead of focusing on low pay-off activities.

How does having a to-do list help? It saves you time on thinking, “what do I need to do next?”

Be systematic

When you create your to do list, start taking action. Start small, build momentum. If you have prioritized your to-do lists with labels A, B and C.

Look at all the A activities, and number it. Which will you start with first? Label A1, A2, A3 and so on. This way you will complete your tasks systematically and quickly.

Stick with Deadlines Strictly

The most important things to get more things done is to get the first step right- completing tasks on time. When you set a deadline for any project, make it a necessity to finish it before the deadline. Just because there is no one to force you doesn’t mean you should take your time.

Do whatever it takes to complete that task. Work hard to achieve your goal, stop thinking of the ‘best method’ to reach your goal. As Oprah Winfrey puts it “Whatever your goal, you can get there if you’re willing to work.”

You can’t get more things done in less time if you can’t even get simple things done. Just focus on completing tasks on time, or before the deadline. But remember the 80/20 rule; focus on 20 % of the most productive tasks that brings the 80% of the results. Don’t do the 80% less important activities that only brings 20% results.

Don’t be a Perfectionist

Before continuing, I would like to make it clear that by saying that you should not be a perfectionist; it does not mean I’m saying that you should not aim for the best results. What I really mean about this is that you should not be too afraid to make even one little mistake in what you do.

If you are afraid of making one tiny mistake, you will slow yourself down from achieving results. Just start and when you make mistakes, deal with it!

Perfectionists are obsessed with little results until they forget the big picture! Perfectionism will simply make you procrastinate. Perfectionists simply focus on the 80% of the activities that bring 20% of the results. This is NOT effective time management!

If you are a perfectionist, you must correct this behaviour. To know how to avoid procrastination, learn how to set SMART goals. Your goals should specific, measurable, attainable, realistic and time-bound (SMART).

How can this help with perfectionism? By setting SMART goals , your goals become more realistic that you tend to complete it. One problem with perfectionists is that they set unrealistic deadlines and still expect things to be perfect. This causes them to think negatively of themselves if they don’t complete a task. Set SMART goals to avoid this problem all together.

Overcome Obstacles

Even if you have effective time management skills you might find yourself not getting what you want, because there are always obstacles; sometimes things can go so well and a huge obstacle comes in our way. You must know how to deal with it effectively so that you can get things done quickly and easily.

The best person to model on how to deal with these kinds of situations is Steve Jobs.

If you watch the video above, notice that Steve mentioned that he was fired before 30. Fired by a company he started. But look at where he is today. Do take the time to listen to his inspirational speech above.

“Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick, don’t lose faith”- Steve Jobs

Effective time management is not only about managing time, it’s about the ability to motivate yourself at all times, be discipline and complete all your tasks before the deadline.


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