Is Keyword Stuffing Unethical

Why Does Google Consider Keyword Stuffing Unethical


A few years ago, keyword stuffing used to be very effective to manipulate your search engine ranking results. However, since this was abused by a lot of webmasters, many search engines ignore the keyword tag completely. Furthermore, stuffing your keywords also apply to your page content as well, not just the keyword tag. One must be careful not to repeat your keywords too many times in your page content. Otherwise, you could get flagged and penalized for using unethical SEO techniques!

This is Google’s basic rundown on the subject of keyword stuffing:

“Keyword stuffing” refers to the unethical practice of loading a web page with keywords in an attempt to manipulate a site’s ranking in Google’s search results. Filling pages with keywords results in a negative user experience, and can harm your site’s ranking. Focus on creating useful, information-rich content that uses keywords appropriately and in context.

When you write your content for your website you’ll need to use alternate words that are related to your keywords. This will help you to rank higher in the search engines and avoid being penalized.


SEO = search engine optimization, SEO optimizing, SEO optimisation, optimization.
Page content = website content, blog content, article content.

A simple rule to follow. Use your keyword once per 100 to 150 words in your page content. I also suggest that you look at some of the popular sites that rank well in the search engines and check out their writing style. This will give you a better idea of what is acceptable by the search engines. You’ll avoid getting flagged for stuffing keywords and using unethical SEO methods!

Keyword density doesn’t have the same SEO effect as it did a few years ago. Using alternate keywords that are related to your primary and secondary keywords works much better these days for ranking.


Primary Keyword: Search engine optimization.

Alternate Keywords: SEO, SEO optimization, optimization, optimizing,  SEO optimizing, SEO optimisation, optimisation.

If you are looking for a keyword density value, I suggest that you take a look at your competitor’s site. All you have is, Google the keyword. Next ,use a keyword tool to determine the keyword density value.

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