Mind Power – The Master Secret of the Ages

Mind Power – The Master Secret of the Ages


“Master your Mind-Power and Discover the key to the Treasures Within…”
– Scott Lee


Have you ever wondered why some people, despite overwhelming odds and challenges, are able to rise above the challenges, against all odds, and achieve incredible success in life?

The Truth about Mind Power



Mind power is such a misunderstood topic that it’s not surprising that many people have a lot of misconceptions about it.

Few people really understand what mind power really is, and there’s a lot of mis-information & urban legends out there in the web.


“Scientific studies have discovered that the average person uses only a small fraction of their mind power, as little as 5% – 10%.”


To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream, not only plan, but also believe.
Mind power is about using the power of thought – your thoughts and beliefs – to manifest your reality.

It’s beyond positive thinking, although positive thinking does play a large part in harnessing your mind power.

Mind power involves using the power of your conscious and subconscious mind to manifest your reality and learning to use your brain waves to get into the most productive and optimal state of mind to achieve your goals.

It’s about understanding how to clear your mind of all negative, self-defeating and dis-empowering thought patterns and, at the same time, install new attitudes and thought patterns to take the right actions and steps to achieve your goals.

Simple as it sounds, that’s the secret behind the teachings of many spiritual teachers and eastern philosophies.

In fact, many self-help techniques are actually based on the same understanding of how the mind works.

Whether it’s”

  •  brain wave entrainment,
  • Silva Mind Control techniques,
  • subliminal messages, hypnotism,
  • subliminal tapes,
  • meditation,
  • creative visualization
  • subliminal software,


all these self-help techniques are actually quite similar once you understand how they work.

That, my friend, is what mind power is really all about.

Here are a few Mind Power/ Mind Mapping Templates I’ve used in the past.