No More Half-Assed, Crappy Content Sites

No More Half-Assed, Crappy Content Sites

No more polluting the net with crap. Although thin sites can still do well if created and linked correctly, it looks like that model will slowly be fading away. The general direction of future sites now are sites that have high quality, useful content and serves the users as well as having the right links from the right places.

Many people in the IM world have probably quit this business all together due to the recent Panda updates.

I’ll be the first to admit that I’ve known this was the way to go all along and I know the people who’s been creating sites for some time now knew this as well. So why did we create all of those pointless sites with less than stellar content? Because it was easier. Who would want to spend more time than necessary creating a site just to make money? Throw up a site, spend the rest of your time building links, make money.

We got accustomed to cranking out articles in less than 15 minutes. We got used to the quick and easy money that was produced from content that we would be ashamed to put our names on.

Thinking about spending a few hours on one article makes me almost nauseous but if we’re going to stay and thrive in this business, it’s time to treat it like a real business.

The reality is that Google’s search engine is becoming smarter. Sure, you could continue putting out crap content and hope you don’t get caught and slapped but if you want the best bang for your time, then quality content along with quality, relevant links should be the focus.

Does this mean you won’t get smacked around anyway? Of course not, but at least you’ll know deep down that when your site is ranked in the top 3 for your term, you deserve to be there. When I see a competitor’s site that just sucks big time in terms of quality, I think, “No way will this guy keep his ranking. It’s just a matter of time before Google slaps him.” Yet, I’ve failed to apply the same reasoning when one of my crappy sites rank #1.

Here’s the point. If you want to build a long term business online, work on delivering value. That’s how real businesses thrive. Money goes to the people who can provide the most value to the most amount of people in the marketplace.

Period. Even if you do temporarily succeed in making money without providing any real value, sooner or later you’re going to get caught like the people featured on The Salty Droid who will forever be known as greedy, heartless, lying scumbags.

If this means you’ll have to cut down to just 1 or 2 sites, so be it. Be the site in your niche that if you were a real customer looking for something in the niche, your site would be the site that you’d personally want to land on because it’s just that good. Yes, it’ll be harder and will take more work but did we already forget that true, long lasting success doesn’t come easily?

As long as you create content where you could look at it and truly say, “Damn, I’m good. If Google doesn’t rank this #1, they’re idiots!”, then you’re probably on the right track.

This post was really written just as a reminder to me to deliver value. From now on, no more junk, except on this site where I obviously just ramble about pointless things.

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