Pay Per Click

Pay Per Click – Also Knows as PPC

The PPC MODEL – Don’t get left behind…

A PPC ad or pay per click advertisement is the one that appears as sponsored listing on search engines such as Google, Yahoo Bing or MSN.

A pay per click ad is an optimized copy that ensures that the website receives relevant traffic and there is lead and sales generation through the ad copy.

A PPC ad is what runs the show, reaching out to the users and decide the budget of the campaign. It is the ads which when clicked are charged by the search engines. Pay Per Click advertisements hence have to be conducted with a lot of thought in mind  if you don’t want to pay the search engines for no return on investments.

A Pay Per Click ad is created for ad groups which have different keywords in them. Keywords are selected from the Google Keyword tool for pages that are important on the website. One can even run an analytical report to find out which pages require PPC or the sales or leads of which can be improved with the help of Pay Per Click advertisement model. This is all part of initial analysis and short listing the avenues of a website to work in.

After keyword selection and ad group categorization, the process of ad creation begins. All search engines have given their guidelines with regards to ad creation by defining the character limit, tone and content of the PPC ad. Not each and every ad is approved by the search engine. Following is the conditions which Google has laid down with respect to PPC ads:

1)    Heading – The title must not exceed 25 characters (including spaces).

2)    Description Line 1 – The first description line must not exceed 35 characters (including spaces).

3)    Description Line 2 – The second description line must not exceed 35 characters (including spaces).

4)    Display URL – This is usually the website address.

5)    Destination URL – This is where the user will be taken to when the Ad is clicked.

Sometimes PPC ads when clicked take us to a page where there are further listings and no landing page. These are ads run by affiliates and is a practice which is not appreciated at all by the users. Also this may result in a lot of distrust in the mind of the user regarding your website.

A Pay Per Click Ad must be:

1)    Intriguing and unique – Even if you’re offering a sales discount, make sure that it is not run of the mill. Although search engine parameters may restrict you but only those ads get clicks which are interesting enough.

2)    Relevant to the user – Always have the keywords in the PPC ad. This is because if the user will not find it matching his or her search query, then there are no chances that he will click it.

3)    Call to Action – Always include a call to action in your ads. Whether you want the buyer to order online, buy now, or call for more information. Specify it clearly in your ads.

If your Pay Per Click ads are created well, these can proved to be really useful and profit generating for the advertiser.

The PPC model has developed into a huge multi-million dollar industry and will continue to grow, so make sure you are not left behind.