Very Useful Tips to Write Effective SEO Copy

It is a lot easier to write effective SEO copy than you think. However, you’ll need to know what ingredients are needed to mix up your recipe into a batter, that will please humans, and the search engines. In this post, I will explain what key ingredients are needed to produce effective SEO copywriting that will achieve top rankings in the search engines.

First off, while keywords are a key ingredient for your mix. SEO copy isn’t about keyword stuffing your content, either. However, there are some key ingredients that you’ll need to apply in order to satisfy your human viewers and the search engines.

SEO Copy:

When you write page copy for SEO, you’ll need to select a subject that has enough demand and interest, to sustain your targeted audience. Once you have selected that article topic. You’ll need to do some keyword research. However, be sure that the keywords you select, don’t have too much competition in order to achieve top rankings easily. If you go after high competition keywords you will need to do more than just SEO on page. You will need backlinks and lots of them.

Since most posts are 300 to 500 words in length, optimizing for several keywords, won’t be very effective.

You should focus on one primary keyword term, mixing it up with related words and terms. Using a couple of secondary keywords or key phrases is entirely optional, and depends on your article topic. Keyword density doesn’t seem to work quite as well, as it did in the past.

I suggest a primary keyword density starting point of 2.2% to 3.0%, and 1.4% to 2.0% for secondary keywords.

Good SEO copywriting starts with proper keyword research.

Utilizing synonyms and related keywords are best to apply, when writing SEO copy. If you use keyword stuffing tactics, the search engines will detect this and rank your page copy accordingly. Write about topics that you are passionate about, and you have sufficient knowledge of. Be sure that you spell and grammar check your content, before publishing it.

Your written SEO copy, it needs to read natural to your readers. Write for humans first, and then adjust your page-content for search engine optimization. Make sure that your page copy is unique, and develop your own writing style, to make you stand out from the crowd.

Keyword Density, Understanding It’s Percentage Value

Keyword density is a percentage value, calculated by the number of times, that the selected keyword is repeated in the page content. Keyword density is always declared as a percentage value, consisting of the entire “word content” on a given web page. However, please keep this in mind. You shouldn’t use your selected keywords, over and over. If you repeat them, too many times, the search engines could flag you as a spammer!

Keyword Density:

If your page copy has 100 words, (excluding the HTML code used for the web page), and you use a specific “keyword” for three times in your webpage content. The keyword density for your page is calculated by dividing the total keyword count, by the total word count for that web page. It’s 3 divided by 100 = .03. Just multiply 100, which is 0.03 x 100 = 3%.

I recommend using a density percentage, that is between 2% to 5%, for keyword ranking in the search engines. If you exceed the recommended density value for your keywords, I then suggest that you use related words and synonyms. This will help you to balance out your density and achieve top rankings for your keywords.

Remember, that this applies to every single page on your web site. It also applies to “all keywords”, found within your page copy. The density for your keywords should never exceed a value, of more than 2% to 5%. However, I have seen a few web pages, rank on the first page of Google, with 7% to 9% for density. So – That could be pushing your limits into a Grey area that could be dangerous!

To check your keyword density, in WordPress, I recommend using certain plugins. It is especially useful to use plugins that will, improve your keyword rankings, as well!

Keyword Diversity for better Search Engine Rankings

In the past few years, keyword density is slowly losing its search engine ranking importance. Currently, the search engines are putting more importance on keyword diversity in terms of ranking well in the search engines.

This is because search engines are a lot smarter these days and can detect keyword stuffing much easier. The days of repeating keywords to manipulate higher search engines rankings are fading fast! You can’t rely on solely on keyword density to achieve top rankings in the search engines. You will have to focus more, on such things as your meta title, meta description and page content.

If you have optimized your web pages based on keywords, you will find that your rankings are slowing slipping away. Here is the new deal, you need to write unique content with keyword diversity and include unique meta tags, to rank better in the search engines. You need to prove that your content is unique and relevant, in order that your website is trusted by the search engines. Your writing style may have to change a bit. You will need to provide content that has a natural flow with your relevant keywords and related terms.

Alos, be aware that search engines are looking at your content for diversity in your selected keywords, and their relevance to your topic. Keyword diversity is the key, and keyword density is now considered less desirable with the new search engine algorithms. You will need to use words that broaden your topic rather than repeating keyword after keyword.