Stopping Hackers with Firewall Plugin

Stopping Hackers with the WordPress Firewall Plugin!

Add an extra layer of security to your WordPress blog

There is no doubt in my mind that getting hacked would turn out to be a total bummer. Did you know that you can add an extra layer of security to your WordPress blog with the WordPress firewall plugin?

This firewall plugin does a very good job of slowing down hackers that are determined to hack your blog. However, there isn’t any plugin that can actually stop all hackers dead in their tracks. You need to be on your guard with keeping up with up-to-date security measures.

The WordPress security plugin, will definitely slow them down and is well worth the extra layer of security it adds to your blog.

You will also need to stay updated with vulnerabilities that are announced by WordPress and update your blog to the latest stable and secure versions. However, many are not able to always jump on the bandwagon for the latest and greatest version of WordPress. This is mainly due to plugins that aren’t compatible with the latest versions of WordPress. By adding this firewall plugin, you are buying some time that is needed to preserve your sanity.

The WordPress firewall plugin analyzes web requests made with simple WordPress specific heuristics to help identify the most common and obvious hacking attempts.

The basic features of this WordPress security plugin are:

01. Blocking the more common hacking attacks by the default, out-of-the-box WordPress, and your plugins you have installed.
02. When hacking attempts are detected, emails are sent out to warn you of the hacking attempt. The email will look like the following snapshot image.

The above image was taken from, which is the author’s site of this plugin. If you are interested in this plugin, please visit, WordPress Firewall Plugin.

03. It allows you to white-list your IP address.

04. It allows white-listing a page, also variables within a page, or a variable on every page. The plugin is pre-configured with some basic rules that prevent it from misbehaving in locations where bad-looking data could be found — and where vulnerabilities are unlikely to be lurking — comment bodies, post bodies, etc.

I strongly suggest that you install this WordPress firewall plugin to give your WordPress blog a second line of defense.

Hope this blog post was helpful to you…

Chaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat soon!

UPDATE!!!!!! NEW PLUGIN … See Below

2017 All In One WordPress Security and Firewall Plugin

The All In One WordPress Security and Firewall is the ultimate security plugin that will take your WordPress site’s security to a whole new level.

Plug IN – Images :

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