The Power of Belief in Making Money Online With Internet Marketing

The Power of Belief in Making Money Online With Internet Marketing

The more you see for yourself, the more you will believe in yourself.

Many people will never put in the amount of work that it takes to achieve any type of financial success online simply because they don’t believe that it is possible for them. This is why many of the most successful internet marketers will tell you that the first $10 day is the hardest to get to but once you get there, $100/day is just a matter of time.

The reason for this is because while getting to $10/day, your mind might not yet fully believe that you can achieve that. But once you achieve it, your mind opens up. All of the sudden $20/day becomes possible, then $50 then $100 and so on. For you to get there though, you will need to increase your belief in yourself. So how do you do this?


When you are able to see and feel the life that you want in your mind, to the point where in that moment, it’s real to you, the belief in what you are truly capable of will start to increase. This may sound silly or even dumb to you but it’s not. People have accomplished things that were once thought to be impossible because they were first able to see it in their mind.

You must first see what you want and believe that achieving it is inevitable, only then will you be able to take the necessary actions to make what you see a reality.

Here’s something I do every night when I’m done working on my internet business. I only work about 4 hours a day but I normally finish off the 2nd of the 4 hours before I go to bed. The minute I am done with my last article, I turn on a particular piece of music and celebrate.

During this “celebration” what I do is I visualize living the life that I know I will experience. I don’t just do it passively though. I jump around as if the day has finally come where I am realizing my dreams.

This may sound crazy to some people but I don’t care. This stuff works. The more I do this, the stronger my belief in myself becomes. The stronger my beliefs get, the more I look forward to taking the necessary actions to get the results I want.

So what have I accomplished during the past 30 days? I’ve written over 150,000 words. That’s well over 300 articles. At this point, it has become a habit for me. Day in, day out, I crank it. My dreams becoming a reality is just a matter of time for me. I can taste it.

So how long will I be working at this level? Well, I’ve set up 100 day cycles for myself where I have a ton of things to do within that time frame. Once the 100 days is up, I evaluate my progress, adjust what needs to be adjusted, and go on another 100 day run. I will basically do this until I reach my goal of at least $10,000 a month in residual income.

Everyday that I put out this amount of work, my results get better. As my results get better, my beliefs get even stronger. As my beliefs get stronger, I see more potential for myself. I want to let you know that your ability to get yourself to have total confidence in yourself will do more for you than anything else in terms of achieving your goals and dreams.

Many people talk a big game because it’s easy. Anyone can talk big. If you think you’ve got what it takes to make your dreams a reality, then show it. Not to anyone else, but to yourself. If you are not taking the action every day that you know you should be doing, then it may mean that you don’t believe you can do it.

Surrounding Yourself with the Right People

One of the most powerful things you can do to increase your belief is to not only visualize but to surround yourself with people who live at a higher level in terms of what is possible than you. If you hang around with a bunch of failures, you’re going to be one too. When you surround yourself with the right people, their unshakable belief about what is truly possible will rub off on you.

There is a story about a guy who was making a couple of million dollars a year. He knew the power of surrounding himself with the right people and because of that, he meets up with a group of successful people on a regular basis to discuss ideas and goals.

That’s one of the main reasons why he was making so much. However, during a speaking event where he was one of the guest speakers, he met someone who was making way more than he was who was also one of the speakers. He ran into this much more successful person backstage and asked him why he isn’t able to get to his level.

The man asked him who he surrounds himself with. He proudly said,

“Millionaires, they are all millionaires.” The man looked at him and said, “That’s why. I surround myself with billionaires.”

By the way, the man in the story is Mark Victor Hansen, co-author of the famous Chicken Soup for the Soul series. The man he got his advice from is Tony Robbins.

The point of this story is that even the super rich know the power of surrounding themselves with the right people. For most of us, being a millionaire is almost unbelievable. But to millionaires, it’s their reality so believing it is like believing that gravity exists. They know it’s possible because they are already there. If you told them you want to be a millionaire, they will probably ask,

“What’s stopping you?” Tell that to someone who thinks it’s impossible and they will probably say, “C’mon. Be realistic. Quit dreaming.”

If you want to make money online with an internet business, you will have to surround yourself with people who are already making the kind of money online that you want to make. Don’t underestimate the power of belief. It will make or break your chances of success.