The Power of Link Baiting

Behold, the Power of Link Baiting

If you’re searching for ways to build your network of links across the web without a large amount of tedious work and effort, “link baiting” is an effective alternative method that can be used to achieve it. Why? Because “link baiting” harnesses the power of viral marketing without forcing you to invest hours of your time luring in affiliate marketers willing to take part in your advertising campaign.

Link baiting is used by websites all over the world. How many times have you checked your e-mail or received an IM or PM from a friend with instructions like this, “You ought to, take a little amount of your time and check this out!”, complete with a link to some feature or another one on that website? That site has just used the power of link baiting to draw a larger audience of viewers to their domain with the assumption that if they were to come and look, they’ll stay to browse-and maybe to buy.

When you’re preparing to launch a full link baiting campaign you need to put careful thought into the quality of the content you want to use. There are two main reasons that attribute for this:

1) No one is going to be interested in picking up boring content. They’re not going to send off e-mails to all of their friends telling them to come see a site that’s showing you live feed of a flower growing…day after day after day.

It’s dull, it’s monotonous, and your viewers are going to lose interest very quickly! On the other hand, link bait that is entertaining, humorous, controversial, news related or otherwise attention grabbing is going to be picked up and passed around rapidly, exponentially increasing the quantity of your high quality links. Which now, brings us to point two…

2) It’s not just quantity but quality that count when a search engine is analyzing the backlinks to your site to determine its relevance. That means that you want to have lots of backlinks, but you want them to be high quality backlinks too.

Think of it this way: If you’re applying for a job working in a bank, and you needed a reference, who do you think would actually be the better choice, the manager of the local bank downtown with whom you interned in high school or the local mechanic who’s known you all your life? The bank can vouch for your skills and your aptitude in your field of choice, which is precisely what a well placed backlink will do for you. You want to create high quality content that will encourage the addition of a link to your site on high quality, relevant sites that will be able to improve your credibility with the search engines.

Link baiting is a marvelous marketing strategy, and if you’ve been putting careful thought into the creation of your site you should have no problem developing high quality content that makes excellent link bait.

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